Stay at Home To Do List (to keep you busy and feeling productive)

Hello friends! This week I’m serving up a whole bunch of random ideas to keep you busy (and distracted) at home. If you’re anything like me, staying busy = sanity. With all my design projects on hold, I’m struggling every day to feel productive. If I’m not feeling productive, my mood takes a major plunge, and I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole. At the moment, accomplishing special projects (even small silly things) is having a positive impact on my mood. I would love to add to this list! Please leave some of your “to do” ideas in the comment section. Here goes…

1.) Start your Spring cleaning! It feels SO good to open the windows and really, really clean your house. I’m talking about getting on your hands and knees and cleaning under the furniture, windows, windowsills, cobwebs on the ceiling, ceiling fans, curtains…it’s like peeling an onion. Once you start you’ll just keep going and it feels amazing to wipe the dirt away that has accumulated during the cold winter months.


2.) Go through all your closets. It’s incredible what collects over time. Throw out stuff, donate and reorganize.


3.) Edit the pantry and refrigerator - throw out expired items and organize. You won’t believe the room you’ll have after.


4.) Get outside and get dirty. Put your play clothes on, grab some working gloves and start Spring cleanup in the yard. Pick up fallen sticks, pull weeds, trim dead branches from trees, fluff up mulch from last season, and lay new mulch in bare areas. Then, when it’s all done, have a beer and walk around your yard and admire how neat and tidy everything looks.


5.) Pull out summer outdoor furniture from storage and wipe them down. Take a seat and look at your beautiful yard and mulching job.


6.) Dig out one of your cookbooks and make a meal from a new recipe. I made this one - it was simple, yummy and healthy!


7.) Go through your stash of beauty products and toss expired items. Make a pile of “almost finished” products and start using those. It’s weirdly satisfying to finish a bottle of lotion and toss it out.


8.) Read that book you’ve been meaning to read. Maybe you were too busy at the time or weren’t in the right state of mind to finish it. Give it a go again. There is something magical about getting lost in a book. I read Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid last week, and couldn’t put it down.


So there you have it…eight ideas to get you moving and feeling productive. Stay tuned for next week - I’ll have more. :)


Stay at Home To Do List vol.2


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